Tips For Flying With Kids

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In the last few months, there has been a lot of news from airlines across the world regarding to child travel. Apparently, many airlines are now making travelling with children less enjoyable for parents. As you might have experienced, travelling with children is not the best of thing to do on a flight, with the exception of the parents off course.

Certain airlines like Air Asia and Malaysia airlines have banned children from other sections of the airline. The United Airlines, one of the major carries has eliminated pre-boarding facilities for parents with young children travelling economy. Cynthia Dresher, a writer for is of the opinion that airlines are taking this route as this ban will convenience more passengers than inconvenience parents travelling with kids who are few. Unsurprisingly, many moms have not accepted the changes. A survey done by established that 68% of moms believe that there is a negative stigma that is attached with flying with kids. However, 40% of moms surveyed were concerned of the disturbance that there children might cause to other passengers.

How then do you ensure that you travel with kids comfortably while minimizing the chance of causing trouble for other passengers?

Here are some tips that will definitely help you in furthering this goal.

Fit the flight to the child’s daily schedule

If you have a child, you will agree with me that children behave better when there routine is not disturbed. It is therefore wise to suite the flight accordingly with respect to time schedule of sleep, meal time, and bed time. For example if your child takes lunch at 1:00 pm and then sleeps for about two hours, it is then wise to take your flight at around 12:30 P:M. This means that child will be sleeping during the flight.

Opt for the window seat

Tips For Flying With Kids

The window seat means that there is less distraction. You don’t need to move, or stand to allow another person move. Arrange with the airline for consideration prior to taking the seat.

Go for an airline that allows pre-boarding

As the saying goes, “go for what best suites you.” Airlines offering pre-boarding is the way to go. Such airlines give you and your child the opportunity to settle properly before a flight. Jet blue, Virgin, southwest, and Delta are examples of airlines that offer pre-boarding facilities.



Let your child play before a flight

Tired bodies are calm bodies. If your child has too much energy, expect vigor. If possible, visit a theme park, or an airport playroom to give your child time to release excess “steam”. This will work wonders.

Tips for Flying with Kids It helps to come prepared

For long flights, it definitely helps if you come prepared. Make it a point to pack interesting toys that will give your child enjoyable time. The type of toy to select should depend on the age, sex, and airline regulations. Also, it helps to inform you child on the expected changes during a flight such as takeoff, landing. This way, unnecessary anxiety is eliminated.